There's a section of the community that wants to profit as pirates or paid escorts to protect against said pirates. We're not the mindless 12 year olds you continue to imply we are and only care about "killz" and "shooting stuff".
I have no reason to not accept you are not, I just wonder why you would take offense to that if so, unless you would consider that sentiment/opinion to not be valid at all and/or actually want to do exactly what you say you'd appreciate others don't; deny their right to voice their opinion and preference by proxy of accusing them of generalizing and being "passive aggressive" when what they say actually does not apply to you.
I understand and get that your focus is PVP gameplay, that at this point in time and in your opinion PVP is not in a good place. I appreciate your point of view in that even when I see plenty of people having fun and enjoying PVP. At the same time, I think FB is right in not putting focus on PVP at the moment as for PVP to get to where it would make more sense, have more meaning and be more enjoyable in general for more players, other mechanics like the radiation tech that is being mentioned here and there, need to be in place and functioning. Maybe it would be good for Frozenbyte to be clearer about their future plans but at the same time, from a game development perspective, the focus not being on PVP right now actually makes sense. Also, their roadmap for the rest of the year would align with that POV and if I could suggest something I'd say that a bit of patience and wait to see what Q1 and Q2 for 2022 will bring with an updated roadmap would be sensible. I'd think FB by now knows what you and many others want, think, and expect as they seem pretty observant and receptive to these opinions.
Once they get a few stations with cap docks on them in the right places, it will only serve to accelerate the rate at which they may safely accrue rare ore
I'm not sure how several of you see Capitals as something bad. They are big fat beacons in space which do nothing but be a station that can move. In order to do or achieve anything, especially with civilian ones, players will _have_ to leave them and by doing so be vulnerable to all the risk that non safe zone space brings.
So, the argument you make as quoted above is factually incorrect as has been pointed out in the relevant YT video and actually in the very dev quote you used in your post. Once found they are great places to stake out and find content. The only way a capital is "safe" is when you do not undock from it. And for that undock to be safe, I could see defensive ships to come out first, especially with pirates in the area.
And that, to me, seems like a perfect target for your PVP action, no?
I for one would be disappointed if our capitals will not be potential targets in that sense and those of us who will come out as defensive players and ships would go to waste if no one (eventually) shows up and challenges them, allowing the miners or salvagers to go about their business with no risk. Who knows, we may recruit/contract specifically to defend our business assets when they go out.
I do agree if you make an argument that docking a Capital in a station (once their construction is complete) makes no sense as that is basically putting a station in a station. The only possible reason I could see would be repairs but could that not be done inside a stations safe zone area anyway?
Starbase may just be a game that is meant for people to design ships and mine. Because that's how these mechanics are starting to shape up. Players that like to have a PvP centric experience may end up having to look elsewhere.
Or maybe, PVP is something that, as a closing mechanic in most main game loops, needs prerequisites to be in place and working right to itself be able to function. As so, will take longer to get worked on/addressed, implemented. In any MMO, PVP is never the goal in the bigger picture, it is always a means to an end.
That does not, and should not, exclude the possibility for players to make it _their_ goal in the game for sure though. The game has at least 2 years of development ahead of it as per the devs themselves, a lot will and can change in that time. I can absolutely understand that, for you, at this stage the game is not what you'd expect or want as what you look for is not there yet. IMO stepping away and giving the game some time to get there would not be weird at all, EA is not for anyone, especially if your goals and wants for the game are not yet in place and EA start at this early stage in a game's development.