Search results

  1. XenoCow

    Better Missile Pods

    Yeah, that's the idea I was thinking of too with the "speed loader." Some thing to hold onto many rockets that can be moved into the tubes and place them there.
  2. XenoCow

    Better Missile Pods

    This would be the controller's job because having a ton of rocket tubes to deal with in YOLOL would be cumbersome. The controller might take the form of a base that attaches to a standard weapon mount, or something more like a MFC box that you could stick anywhere. Reloading weapons now is...
  3. XenoCow

    Better Missile Pods

    The controller would take a single fire input and launch a single (or perhaps settable number of) missile(s). It could also set the delay for the missile being launched. It could be replaced by YOLOL, but the idea of the controller is an easy interface instead of having to directly access the...
  4. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 30 (2020)

    Oh, I always thought the fire was the distilled rage tears of Pip from when she sees cursed bolting.
  5. XenoCow

    New Weapon Type: Chain Shot

    --- The Basics --- A projectile that is two balls with a wire strung between them can slice through thin armor and excel at cutting wires. Although there are no sails in Starbase (for the most part), this style of cannon could be an interesting addition to the Starbase arsenal. --- Purpose ---...
  6. XenoCow

    A system similar to the weapon system of From the Depths

    I think this is definitely in the works, but taking a backseat at this point. We'll just have to wait until more of the core features are fleshed out before they go back over and add cool stuff like this.
  7. XenoCow

    Standalone Ship design

    If you haven't already seen, There is a "Standalone ship building application for Starbase" here:
  8. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 30 (2020)

    I really like the glow effect that lasts after the bullet impacts in the repeater video. However, is there any way you could have the slide stay back until after a new magazine is loaded? Also, will there be a detailed description of how beam welding works? I'm particularly interested to know...
  9. XenoCow

    Letter to the Devs: Gunship Event & Player Behavior

    I understand. Thank you again for your response. I hope that even if there are troublemakers and those just interested in winning the event, that you are learning how to design the events and manage players of all sorts because of them.
  10. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 29 (2020)

    I've got to say, the little ember effects as the fire is just dying our look great!
  11. XenoCow

    Custom Signs?

    Maybe a system of primitives (simple shapes and symbols) would work. It would help to give everything a look that matches with the style of the rest of the signs and would limit abuse to some extent. However, I would prefer image imports with some sort of tool that "hologramizes" them to match...
  12. XenoCow

    Letter to the Devs: Gunship Event & Player Behavior

    Thank you very much for reading through my feedback. I understand and appreciate that you are working on the big picture features as that is what alpha is for. Would it be possible to host these events on the test server so that players who want to just mess around are less likely to show up...
  13. XenoCow

    Letter to the Devs: Gunship Event & Player Behavior

    Dear Frozenbyte Developers / Community Managers, I am very grateful for the opportunity you have given me to participate in the alpha so that I may help to shape the game and make sure it becomes as awesome as it can be. The combat events are a tool that you use to gather data on the game, but...
  14. XenoCow

    Who would like to see/participate/bet on SPACE RACES?

    I like the idea of races. I think that would be a great place for engineers to work with pilots to design the best ships possible while also providing a respite from fighting and helping to bolster the economy. I agree with five that crashing should be something to avoid. Like real races, it is...
  15. XenoCow

    Poll: Reconciling Ship Value Ideas: Heirlooms vs. Commodities

    Thank you (and the others') responses so far. For me, I want to feel a sting that goes beyond the monetary value of a ship if I lose it. I may be alone in that feeling so perhaps I am blowing this problem out of proportion. I just worry that insurance is just a slap on the wrist for what could...
  16. XenoCow

    Poll: Reconciling Ship Value Ideas: Heirlooms vs. Commodities

    After a discussion on one of the alpha Discord channels, I have realized that there is a monster lurking around in the shadows of this game. This poll and discussion is aimed at bringing that monster to light so we can have a civil conversation about it and try to defeat it together. TL;DR Some...
  17. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 28 (2020)

    Yay, It's great to see that my feedback is making a difference, or at least I'm helping to bring attention to things. Also, I'd love to see a ship mounted version of the gatling gun.
  18. XenoCow

    Super heavy armour for capital ships

    I like the idea of ships being docked in a hanger that closes the doors before despawning it. One could imagine that the hangar is kind of like one of those automated parking lots where the cars are managed by a giant machine.
  19. XenoCow

    Not waiting anymore. ;)

    Not waiting anymore. ;)
  20. XenoCow

    Behavior of projectiles hitting/penetrating armor

    I don't know for sure, but it seems like this is already the case if you take a look at some of the videos where they demo damage at angles. The holes made by shots fired from angles create a different pattern than ones hitting straight on. So, I suspect that material traveled through is part of...