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  1. XenoCow

    Protection for newer players from veteran players?

    Hopefully there will also be veterans who enjoy hunting down the thugs who lurk in wait of fresh meat.
  2. XenoCow

    Ways to limit gun spam and glass cannons

    I like the recoil idea since it doesn't prevent this kind of behavior, just makes the glass that much thinner and more challenging to use/design. I do worry about the heat effects being used to manage the number of guns so directly. If anyone here has played Mechwarrior: Online, this should...
  3. XenoCow

    Will there be close range weapons

    Currently the pickaxe is the only close range weapon, that has been shown. However, I expect that the buzzsaw and cutting laser will also deal damage to players.
  4. XenoCow

    The forums just hit 10,000 messages. Yay!

    The forums just hit 10,000 messages. Yay!
  5. XenoCow

    New Projectile Behavior: Variable Caliber (Formerly Mixed Damage)

    No problem if you're wrong. Once the developers are feeling more comfortable with what's going on in CA land, they can come on the forums and address these kinds of things.
  6. XenoCow

    New Projectile Behavior: Variable Caliber (Formerly Mixed Damage)

    Hmm, in that case I think I'm suggesting a projectile that has a very small caliber before the first penetration and then a very large one afterwards. I agree that the rail cannon should expand in this way too, but much less dramatically as to make for better armor penetration.
  7. XenoCow


    Hold your horses, man (or lady)! I still have a final to take, and this kind of pace of new features is not conducive to my academic success.
  8. XenoCow

    Choice in Music Compositors

    Wish granted, there already is dynamic sound to the game that changes based on locations and if there is fighting going on.
  9. XenoCow

    How viable is solo play?

    As long as you don't build radio transmitters, and don't build a station (render distance for stations is very large, as are the stations themselves)you should be able to go un-detected. It would likely be easiest to hide outside the plane of the belt, outside the belt, and in-between two moons...
  10. XenoCow

    What are some interesting trends you've seen or expect from the in game economy?

    Does buying ships not subtract materials from stations?
  11. XenoCow

    New Projectile Behavior: Variable Caliber (Formerly Mixed Damage)

    Either as a modification to current projectiles, as an ammunition type, or as a new weapon entirly, I suggest this new projectile behavior. After the first layer of armor penetrated with voxel damage, the next object hit has fracture damage applied. This damage type would be particularly...
  12. XenoCow

    Do you think the ship market between players will be established?

    Already, the devs have put two player designed ships up for sale in the station shops. That's not really what you meant, though. I think that the market will depend on the popularity of the game. As more people join in, more players will not want to build their own ships due to the complexity...
  13. XenoCow

    Bounty Hunter Jobs

    I agree that there should be bounties in the game. That's one of the purposes of the group that I'm working on making. Even without my group, I think that bounties can be posted and such all at the player's hands. This way, fibbing the "system" will be a much harder con.
  14. XenoCow

    What are some interesting trends you've seen or expect from the in game economy?

    I hope that it is this way, but I'd like to see ores that are sold to stations more often decrease in price as the demand decreases and vice versa. This way, players don't have to hunt for the few rare materials all the time as the prices fluctuate.
  15. XenoCow

    Starbase a la Animal Crossing (How to Start off with a Ship)

    I agree that my original post doesn't properly address get the learning aspect of the starter jobs. Now I think that a conpromise where players can buy their first little ship for a fraction of the normal cost and the rest becomes debt. In this way, players still have to work at the starter...
  16. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 23 (2020)

    I'm surprised, I wasn't expecting something like this. I'm glad you're already looking directly to the community for these kinds of things. I do hope that those two ships are somewhat generic or at least blend well with the current roster. Also, are beams/plates that have been built via the...
  17. XenoCow

    Better Missile Pods

    I agree 100%. I really hope that this suggestion, of all the suggestions I've made, gets implemented some way or another.
  18. XenoCow

    Quickplay Mode: Or How to Retain Players that Don't Have the Patience for the Main Game

    Perhaps it will only be for the duration of CA, but it seems that FB has decided that a designated small arms combat area is something that will help the game. Now, it looks like players have to organize thier battles and equipment, but it's not far off from a quickplay mode.
  19. XenoCow

    Elegant wiring/piping in the form of plates with embedded wires/pipes.

    Isn't this something that can be manufactured already using the cutting laser? You could poke holes through plates at the ends and intersections of where you want the wiring to go. Then use the pipe tool to lay out these patterns before rebuilding the plate to embed the wires. I would think...
  20. XenoCow

    Are Backpacks the Cargo Meta?

    That's an interesting idea. There is even some precedence for this. The Ore crates work off of power but can lose their items when disconnected from that power. Perhaps a compromise could be made. Maybe backpacks could have an internal battery that can support the storage compression for a...