Search results

  1. Questionable localization of "pvp station around moon"

    Your prejudices are showing. You keep assuming and asserting that PvP players only want unarmed targets to shoot at, and that they aren't prepared to do anything but shoot. If there are any resources near the PvP station, and from the announcement, there are going to be ("a place to PvP, mine...
  2. Origin Station transponders

    Are there any other limitations in your settings that might be precluding the Origin stations showing? There are a lot of Player Stations out there now...
  3. Questionable localization of "pvp station around moon"

    It might at least be a place where "ship concepts" can be tested out and FrozenByte can see if *their* concept of how PvP engagements between ostensible peers might work bears any relationship to realitty. I'm sure they're gagging for such datapoints.
  4. Questionable localization of "pvp station around moon"

    Your decidedly limited definition of PvP aside, further segregation of the population is undesirable.
  5. All-encompassing armored ground warfare: A suggestion

    So your armoured ship has redundancy in its drives. That railgun hit just slowed it down a bit. But you can fly close to the ground. How is someone going to get a shot up your kilt when you're passing them at a quarter the speed of sound at 10m altitude? And you can build in redundancy. Or you...
  6. Gunships

    Very much agree with this. Very much.
  7. Navigation buoy and refuel stations.

    You're going to have to start using 3rd party YOLOL or write it yourself for something. Why not start with ISAN? Trade Station Markka can see the Origin stations. Running out of fuel or propellant is a feature, not a bug. Something you have to deal with. Eventually, people might be in a...
  8. Gunships

    Good to hear. But now We, The Curious, want to Know. Pretty Please? :) There might even be useful input, if you share the concept outline... It's what we're here for, after all, o master of our future alternate pseudoreality.
  9. How exacltly friction works?

    Yeah. In "classic" development terms, this is definitely an alpha: not feature complete high level of bugs (which includes things that are "exploits" as well as things that stop you doing what you orter be able to do) very frequent updates for major and minor issues. None of which should be...
  10. [DE] Bolts = Nägel, Schrauben, Nieten, Bolzen or something else entirely?

    It really doesn't matter. :) Space isn't a vacuum. Our endoskeletal bodies have immensely complicated and sensitive electronics and processing power, but our ships are limited to 0.5Hz, 3dp-arithmetic, simpleminded BASIC interpreters, none of which have the processing power of the phone in...
  11. Space pen

    IMBA SpacePen!!! One elleven!! DEVS NERF PLX!!! :)
  12. Initial state of the ship

    I think the repair hall should be more expensive than doing it yourself, possibly by a factor of 10 or so (compare what a car dealership charges you to fix things on a car to what it would cost you to do it yourself). But fixing things in the (pseudo)real world is a total chore, even if you've...
  13. Are we getting any toold to finding other players?

    There's a fairly recent thread I reckon "energetic activity" ought to be detectable at "proportionate" ranges, so weapon fire and thruster output should add to a signature. And an active solution, with passive means of mitigation would be a valuable flipside to the gameplay of detection vs...
  14. Visible safe zone boundaries

    And then it reminds you when you're about to leave and haven't turned it off. The Origin safe zones are *big*. As in "massive, huge, enormous". A visible SZ boundary would effectively be a *wall in space*, visually, from quite a long way away. Do. Not. Want. Edited to add: I have no objection...
  15. Cheating and exploits

    Quoting for emphasis.
  16. Initial state of the ship

    The repair hall is coming. When? Don't think anyone, including FrozenByte can give you anything definitive.
  17. Space pen

    Assault rifles leave grafitti perfectly well on ships/wrecks... not sure about stations.
  18. Radiation Technology Mechanics

    So you have a single thing that anyone can detect... and you can turn it off. Or shield it. So if a raider is closing on a target, they'd better have enough batteries to sneak up on them, or the target will see them coming and turn their own genny off, go dark in a thoroughly simplistic manner...
  19. Radiation Technology Mechanics

    Well, that's lame. Lamer than a one-legged horse that's thrown its shoe. Bleh. I cannot express how disappointing it would be if that is, indeed, the full extent of the "signature game". Hopefully it's just the first leg of a stool with more legs.
  20. Visible safe zone boundaries

    Can you not turn the "don't let my ships out the safe zone" setting back on? I haven't looked, but I'd be pretty sure you can. If you "exceptionally" don't want to leave the SZ, just make it so you can't, and re-enable once you're ready to go back out.