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  1. XenoCow

    XenoCow's Starbase Videos

    Check out my new old video up above (or here)! As to not spam this section of the forums, I'll just be using this thread to mention all my future videos. :)
  2. XenoCow

    Is there anything that I can do to help out around the community

    There's lots of work on updating the wiki that needs to get done. You could round up some alpha testers to help out if there needs to be pictures or something added that aren't in any of the videos.
  3. XenoCow

    Programmable and customisable screens

    We already have bar progress displays, text displays, and buttons that can have text on them. The main thing that we're missing is a more dense graphical screen or a really big screen. ASCII may not be pretty, but it could be used for maps etc. I do think there is a kernel of something here...
  4. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 34 (2020)

    Is the explosive drill a new iteration of the remote explosives or a separate tool/weapon? I'd also like to know if the explosive bits are launched or drilled into place.
  5. XenoCow

    Clothing styles and Armor Inventory

    @Venombrew I'm going to fill out a wiki page that details all of the inventory system with some nice pictures. I think that will answer your questions and more.
  6. XenoCow

    Clothing styles and Armor Inventory

    All the one handed tools/weapons, when un-equiped, are placed on the legs. Two handed tools/weapons are placed on the back. Those torso slots are for ammunition (tool and weapon). Unfortunatly, ammo is not visually represented on the endos as far as I've seen.
  7. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 33 (2020)

    I'm sure @TGess will be excited to hear that you are working on triangle thruster extensions. Also, I like that you can look at an asteroid and see what it's made of. That will save time and help to make learning the materials easier.
  8. XenoCow

    XenoCow's Starbase Videos

    Bob is always ready to take on new challenges, even flying ships that are super janky.
  9. XenoCow

    XenoCow's Starbase Videos

    That's because I said it in the title and gave a couple hints in the thumbnail. 👌
  10. XenoCow

    Will starbase support 32inch ultra wide and 49 inch wide screens

    I've had the game run on my three monitors spanned. The lack of HUD makes this a great game for wide monitors since you don't have to throw your head around to see important info necessarily.
  11. XenoCow

    XenoCow's Starbase Videos

    Hello there! Here is a list of the 10 videos I think are the best mixed with some that are the most popular. I mostly have this thread to notify people on these forums who may not be subscribed that I've made a new video. Feel free to browse this thread or go to my channel on YouTube, Odysee...
  12. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 32 (2020)

    I'm excited to see how the decals and custom ads work out!
  13. XenoCow

    Wondering how paint works

    There isn't any way to paint decals onto your ship like that, but you could probably paint some very small plates to match that image. Right now when you paint an armor plate, the entire plate is colored that color. There are a few people who have made some pixel art using the small 12x24x12 or...
  14. XenoCow

    Ship damage system rework

    I like how this damage model leads to a slow weakening of armor rather than a damage limit that once exceeded then takes damage in a different way.
  15. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 31 (2020) <- this might tickle your fancy then.
  16. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 31 (2020)

    I agree, I could see some sort of filter screen that you could bolt to the back, or a different fuel converter that changes the color.
  17. XenoCow

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 31 (2020)

    Thanks for being so consistent with the updates! I think that the come continuous flame looks great as well as the heat distortion around the barrel. Are only the mining backpack slots dynamic? Will large bag slots be able to hold multiple large objects or at least multiple two-handed tools?
  18. XenoCow

    ship builders or people who have built a ship, how long did it take to build or get used to building a ship?

    I think that most of the time I spend in the editor is not actual picking and placing of parts, but, like any design project, scratching my head. I spend probably 50%+ of the time "building" trying to figure out how I want to go about plating this, cabling that, etc.
  19. XenoCow

    Ways to limit gun spam and glass cannons

    I like this. Even if you could put a million guns on a gnat of a ship, and even if you can balance the guns out so that the recoil doesn't flip your ship around, the recoil would slow the ship down. Slow ships are much easier targets. Those small and well balanced (weight and force wise) ships...
  20. XenoCow

    Hard limit on speed

    I agree that this could be a solution to many people's concern. I think the speed limit is mostly a perceptual problem, and by making more effort = more speed with diminishing returns, people will feel in control still since they know they could forfeit something on their ship to go faster, even...