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  1. Azelous

    Thoughts from Engi's/Programmers and everyone! ( YOLOL )

    Automated ferry at a station or between stations. Code to have a ship follow another ship. Automated docking. Bonus if the instructions can be transmitted from station to ship. Auto cargo load/unload. Auto asteroid mining/capture. Capital ship defense systems.
  2. Azelous

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 1 & 2

    Really looking forward to seeing all the animations in game. Very excited to see what else the team’s got behind the curtain!
  3. Azelous

    Greetings everyone!

    Relaxing? That first one was stressful! I recognize Live for the Night, haven't played that specific difficulty but quite a fun song. I don't consistently play Osu!, but I always end up coming back to it to relax and just have fun. Some of my favorites around 4 stars: Deep Sea - Yousei Teikoku...
  4. Azelous

    Do stored materials take up physical space on stations?

    Going to be very interesting if they are stored physically.. I think virtual storage only is more likely.
  5. Azelous

    The place of matter in space

    I would argue the difference in incentives of travel between, say, Elite Dangerous and Starbase are quite stark. Elite Dangerous, you’re visiting some new generated solar system, going a long distance, or grinding. Starbase, you’re not requiring interest from generated content and unless you’re...
  6. Azelous

    Practicality vs. Coolness. Where do you stand?

    Practical with a bit of flair. I tend to and will likely continue to create dense builds, but aesthetic is also important. I'm here to build and fly spaceships, not what looks like an uneven potato.
  7. Azelous

    Passive/Unpowered Docking (Carrier Ships)

    One thing that may be worthwhile to consider is the load of the docked ship on the structure of the main ship. I would assume either solution would exert strain on either ship due to being attached to one another, though docking clamps may have more accidents in the beginning with players...
  8. Azelous

    Greetings everyone!

    Heyo! You didn’t think you could mention that you play Osu! and get away without expositing did you!? I’m going to need a couple of your favorite beatmaps. 😁
  9. Azelous

    Forum suggestions? Post it to this thread!

    They will likely hire a third party to translate linguistic parts of the game.
  10. Azelous

    Production and Logistics

    Very exciting to hear that factories are already somewhat viable! I can understand why wiring would be problematic.. does this go for modules as well?
  11. Azelous

    What feature would you like in the game that no one else may like?

    Hostile ai and effect to fight. Nanobot virus that attacks anything made of metal. It's more of a visual effect or mechanical debuff until it has "matured", in which it may create forms of its own. (i.e.: SG1 Replicators). Effect ideas in relative order of progression of nano virus...
  12. Azelous

    Gravity in Starbase ?

    There is no gravity experienced as everyone will be in free fall around the gas giant. The challenge of going to the moon is the fuel required to make it to the moon. The moon is going to have to be outside of the asteroid ring (if this game is going for physics), so taking the journey is going...
  13. Azelous

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 40

    I'm assuming this is Empire/Kingdom factions?
  14. Azelous

    Flak Cannons

    That is seriously disappointing. I hope they give us range finding equipment capable of keeping pace with our ship weapons.
  15. Azelous

    Ram Sleds... A possibility?

    I feel like ram sleds are something that will need to be tested in game to consider viability.
  16. Azelous

    Flak Cannons

    Range finder. Also, here's a video where a dev uses a range finder to pin point where the robotic arm is to apply a bolt.
  17. Azelous

    Flak Cannons

    I would say timed or manual detonation. Manual detonation would be the hardest but have the best feedback for those firing. Timed would be very interesting to setup through YOLOL. If you set up the script correctly you could likely hit every shot, perhaps even hitting shots on the side or...
  18. Azelous

    Poll: Camera

    Made a thread suggesting a weapon type that would directly counter cameras.
  19. Azelous

    Poll: Camera

    Fairly certain that while you may be able to slightly turn a ship via the universal tool likely you'd have to adjust each axis of rotation or vector of thrust individually, which is not by any means a competitive method of flying a ship. As far as having "..several control areas for...
  20. Azelous

    Solar Sails

    We’re currently limited to a ring around a planet, not even a moon or solar system by early access, I like the idea but I question the timing of suggesting a device that would primarily be used for travel between solar systems.