
  1. Engineering machine No.1

    太阳神(Helios),人工智能文明共同体(Artificial Intelligence Civilization Community)

    我们内部经过了大规模的调整,调整内容如下: 1、我们的官方语言增加了英文; 2、我们着重调整了我们的政治制度和意识形态; 3、我们新增了我们的维基页面,供大家详细了解我们; 4、我们第二次更新了我们在论坛的宣传页面。 这是我们的维基: 此页面只是简单介绍一下我们派系各个方面的内容,详细内容请去我们的维基了解。 We have undergone a large-scale adjustment internally, and the adjustments are as follows...
  2. AutoStarMation A.S.M Recruiting

    A.S.M This is a automate message sent to u from StarBase Universe. We have come a long journey and finally decided to stick with this area and build a base. We don't work hard, but we work smart. We automate the task so we never have to do it again. If u think u fit in this bracket or u just...
  3. coffee

    Inviting all designers! Showcasing Community models created for individuals and organizations.

    I'm creating a series that will allow you to showcase your work and what you have been busy creating for Starbase come release. You'll have the power to not only show through images but full blown 3d models. Watch this video to get an idea of what to expect. Coffee#3491
  4. Pythagore

    Gravity in Starbase ?

    Just want to know if there is gravity in this game the first planet have gravity because if no how can it be challenging to go to the moon Just a question .
  5. TheMarksman

    A thought on the trade-offs of an Empire-Kingdom War.

    Note: The following pieces of information are derived from assumptions based on information gained from the Starbase Discord. Any form of discrepancies are highly likely and should, therefore, lend low credibility to this article. By reading this article, you agree to this note and therefore...
  6. MegaLinkX117

    I am MegaLinkX117

    Hello Starbase Forum! I am MegaLinkX117, or Mega for short, i am the leader of a relatively small merc group called Earanthral. I will try my best to not talk much on the faction since this is supposed to be a post about me, so i guess i would like to say what my goals and ideals are. Goals. My...
  7. agentsnace

    Making a website and breaking it

    Hi all, I am one of the co-chairmen of Stellyx Corp and we have recently begun the development of a website for Starbase. Although the game is not out yet, the developer, Critical Venom is using this time to improve his programming and since the wait is somewhat unbearable for us, we think this...
  8. Matap

    Modularity of building

    Hi, I was thinking about building in Starbase. I read about ship building/editing hangar here, so that mean, I can’t build ship anywhere I want. OK. But my other question is about modularity of ship building. When you are designing your ship, does it have to be in this grid like space? Like in...
  9. Bloodydavyflint

    What happen to the like button?

    I noticed I couldn’t like posts anymore. What happened. I just wanted to show fellow posters I was thinking of them and likes what they had to contribute. It was short and sweet. To the point which was totally cool!!
  10. NoName

    Coloring robots?

    Will we be able to color our robot's "shells" or what they are called? I want a purple robot and if I can't have that this game is obviously doomed to fail (not really but please let me be a purple robot boi).
  11. Saltylelele

    The Industrial side of Starbase

    Its still kinda hard to see it, but how does everyone see the Industry in Starbase (except mining)?
  12. Simulator Haven

    What kinds of ships are you going to be building?

    I'm just interested to see what people want to make. Like Star Wars? Halo? Anime? Communism? IDK. I'm going to be working on towing/refueling ships with few weapons, at least in the beginning
  13. NoName

    What are your plans upon release?

    As the title says I am interested in what y’all plan on doing when starbase is released. What I mean by that is what do you plan on doing IMMEDIATELY upon release, and then maybe if you want to, then elaborate on longer term plans. Personally I am planning on mining when the game releases (at...