Search results

  1. Amos.37

    Saltberia "Prison"

    PopeUrban, it just sounds like you're angry that the devs are trying to put in place a system that punishes people doing crimes. Starbase is a sandbox mmo, which means it is developing a virtual society. Societies have laws. Breaking laws have consequences. If you want to play as a pirate, then...
  2. Amos.37

    Illegal goods and smuggling

    I so want this to be a real thing in the game, just so the situation can occur where someone gets caught with them and has to explain what they are doing with a haul of cat ears.
  3. Amos.37

    Illegal goods and smuggling

    I know this just depends on the factions setting their own rules, but has there been any mention of certain goods, tech or products that could be considered illegal? So far I haven't seen any items, objects or resources that look like they could be considered overly dangerous/illegal, with maybe...
  4. Amos.37

    Space Drag?

    While I'd love a game that could smoothly calculate potentially infinite number of objects in space continuing on their velocities forever, that just isn't possible. Space drag, while annoying, is necessary when so many players are together to reduce load on the servers. The client side...
  5. Amos.37

    Saltberia "Prison"

    There needs to be some sort of way to verify that people are actually guilty. Otherwise the system is too easy to exploit, which could easily ruin the games for players that end up in prison for no reason. I'm not sure of an in-universe way of doing this though. Only straight forward system I...
  6. Amos.37

    Different types of Camouflage ?

    No reason to believe we can't do that. Looking forward to the designs people come up with either way. Just on the topic of colouring/decorating ships, I'm certain that companies and factions will create colour schemes and design profiles for their ships, much like Kingdom and Empire have already...
  7. Amos.37

    Has a recommended internet speed been mentioned?

    Yes, it is.And that's pretty average for Australia. In fact, that's using NBN, Australia's meme worthy attempt at upgrading internet. To be fair, they did upgrade the internet, it's better than it was before... but it's really not a high bar.
  8. Amos.37

    Shipyards and ships under construction.

    Another thought, if automated building tools on the factory arms can fill in blueprint projections, it wouldn't be too hard to create effective 3D printers for ships. At least, it would be easier than automating a factory to put a ship together piece by piece.
  9. Amos.37

    Shipyards and ships under construction.

    I guess even with the blueprint holo projectors, large ships will still take some time to build. Be interesting to see how they are filled in, if it's layer by layer, as in fill in frames, then plating, then internals, and so on; or if it's more chunk by chunk, with every layer getting filled in...
  10. Amos.37

    Cav's shield suggestion

    The counter to boarders is that your ship is faster than an endo. To board your ship, an enemy either needs to sneak aboard, or disable your engines before leaving their ship to come to yours. Personally, I think shields simply shouldn't be added at all.
  11. Amos.37

    Shipyards and ships under construction.

    Obviously designing and building ships will be an integral part of SB. My question is, what form do ships under construction take? Do players design a blueprint and then use to building tool to print an entire ship, ready to go? Do players have to build the ship from scratch in the world...
  12. Amos.37

    Mega Exo skeletons? Viability, Possible uses.

    Boxing? Why so simple? I'm picturing guns, mining lasers, maybe rockets. This is mechanised death fights! I want splash zones to be a necessary addition! Just watching should be dangerous! On a side note, and I don't think this would work but someone's got to try it anyway, improvised mace...
  13. Amos.37

    Will ground vehicles be thing?

    Since moons/planets are confirmed, and some form of gravity seems to be in the works, will ground based vehicles be viable? Obviously a ship has several advantages over ground vehicles simply in being able to fly, but I've got to say that since ground based bases are confirmed, it would be...
  14. Amos.37

    Mega Exo skeletons? Viability, Possible uses.

    A game limitations question that I've been wondering a while: Are power cables flexible/moveable? As in can I set up a tractor beam on rails that remains connected via a power cable even as the rails are moving? Or an arm that moves without breaking the power cables that are supplying it with...
  15. Amos.37

    The dark side of MMO's... or "how to stop me taking your stuff..."

    Pretty much all the listed things (except exploits) seem like they are just part of the game and already have their own consequences. -Area camping is annoying, but it also means you're an easy to find target. -If a player falls for a scam, then that sucks, but it's their own fault. -If a player...
  16. Amos.37

    An alternative to local voice chat.

    Because it would be simpler to have an in-game solution that doesn't require me tabbing out, finding or creating a lobby, ensuring the other person has found the lobby, and so on. As I already said, I'm aware you can do this with discord already, but it would be simpler (if implemented well) for...
  17. Amos.37

    An alternative to local voice chat.

    Another option, that would at least be easier to do than a local voice chat and less abusable (less, no 'un') would be basically a squad speak function. Select a visible player, or just type their name and it sends them a chat request. Then if they accept, you have a direct line to them. Can be...
  18. Amos.37

    Has a recommended internet speed been mentioned?

    Again, I'm in Australia, so Ping is guaranteed to be highish. I'll be happy if it's under 100ms for me. I'm already using ethernet connection, but the sheer distance between Aus and where ever the servers are located means ping will be on the higher end. Best ping I've had when connecting to a...
  19. Amos.37

    Has a recommended internet speed been mentioned?

    I know that there are curretnly no hard specs for this game, but has a recommended internet download/upload speed been mentioned by the devs at any point? I can always upgrade my computer if need be, but I live in Australia, where internet is so bad it's meme worthy. So obviously I'm very...
  20. Amos.37


    Another issue is simply the load on the server running the calculations. While a hard border for gravity is less realistic, it is much easier for the system to calculate than a soft/gradual border. Although, if we're talking realism, there's no reason mag boots wouldn't work on a moon. A...